The sixth free medical camp organized by African charity aid aimed to treat persons in the villages and Centre with no Health Facility or fewer drugs in Garissa County targeted Rahole village 20 km from the Somali Kenya border
96 persons including children and mothers have benefited from the free medical exercises and thanked The Area Mca Hon Omar Abdi Gabay the Brain Behind the outreach.
Mr. Ibrahim Omar Sheikh the chairperson of Rahole village has said the free medical camp came when most of the children in the village had issues with health matters and too thanked AFCHAID for the good gesture of giving free drugs to Rahole residents.
The area MCA Mr. Omar Abdi praised the free services and asked other NGOs to join the community services Mr. Abdi emphasized the need for More Health centers in his ward as many villages have no health facilities and asked the County Government and well-wishers to support to come to their Aid.
The Area Chief Ibrahim Nunow speaking in Rahole village said Damajaley Ward deserves such Nobel free medical camp thanking Africa charity for free services terming the vast of the Area and fewer Drugs for the health Centers don’t tally he thanked the County Government the infrastructures of the health Centre and demanded more drugs be installed hamey and damajaley ward at large.
Mukhtar Maalim the Project Coordinator appreciated how well they hosted their medics and AFCHAID staff and vowed they would stand for the needy wherever they are in Kenya